Thursday, 6 August 2009

The Felice Brothers - Frankie's Gun!

Love that American music. This particular number mixes up Dylan and Springsteen in a way that might verge on pastiche if it wasn't such a rollickin' good time. Plus who can resist a line like "Got me off a bender after long legged Brenda died." This video also showcases a very large fella playing the accordion with mighty gusto, a sight which never stops being entertaining to me.


Anonymous said...

Did I give you this? I forget. I still like it either way.

Ian said...

I think you may well have sparked my attention to them. I recall a few folk mentioning them to me around the time they played in Glasgow a few years back. I got the album a little later, enjoyed it and forgot it. Until this number popped up on the shuffle a few days back, to my continuing enjoyment.