Sunday, 9 August 2009

Tom Jones - The Young New Mexican Puppeteer

Tom Jones is a ridiculous man. Quite possibly one of the most ridiculous ever to come out of Wales. Which, with due respect to the people of the valleys, I would say puts him high in the running for most ridiculous worldwide. He did however have a hell of a voice in his prime. This song nicely shows off both aspects of the man. Certainly there are no other songs that I'm aware of about young boys fighting injustice through the power of puppetry. A lesser man than Tom might have hesitated at the premise. But not "The Voice", oh no, he goes for it, full gusto. Credit wear it us do, It's a decent little number once you get past the lyrics, a strutty bassline drives it along and the marachai trumpet flourishes give it a bit of colour. It's also always a pleasure to hear "The Voice" in full effect even when it's delivering nonsense about puppetry ending the worlds problems. As a bonus there's also some absolutely fantastic pictures of Mr Jones in the video above.

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